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Text File  |  1995-06-28  |  6KB  |  206 lines

  1. Index
  2. Previous: <Glossary=>Glossary> * Next: <=>A> * Up: <Top=>!Root>
  4. #Wrap on
  5. {fH2}Index{f}
  7. #Wrap off
  8. <$$=>Actions>
  9. <$n=>Actions>
  10. <%expect=>ExpectDecl>
  11. <%left=>UsingPrece>
  12. <%nonassoc=>UsingPrece>
  13. <%prec=>Contextual>
  14. <%pure\_parser=>PureDecl>
  15. <%right=>UsingPrece>
  16. <%start=>StartDecl>
  17. <%token=>TokenDecl>
  18. <%type=>TypeDecl>
  19. <%union=>UnionDecl>
  20. <@n=>ActionFeat>
  21. <BNF=>Languagean>
  22. <Backus-Naur form=>Languagean>
  23. <Bison declaration summary=>DeclSummar>
  24. <Bison declarations=>Declaratio>
  25. <Bison declarations (introduction)=>BisonDecla>
  26. <Bison grammar=>GrammarinB>
  27. <Bison invocation=>Invocation>
  28. <Bison parser=>BisonParse>
  29. <Bison parser algorithm=>Algorithm>
  30. <Bison symbols, table of=>TableofSym>
  31. <Bison utility=>BisonParse>
  32. <C code, section for additional=>CCode>
  33. <C declarations section=>CDeclarati>
  34. <C-language interface=>Interface>
  35. <LALR(1)=>MysteryCon>
  36. <LR(1)=>MysteryCon>
  37. <VMS=>VMSInvocat>
  38. <YYABORT=>ParserFunc>
  39. <YYACCEPT=>ParserFunc>
  40. <YYBACKUP=>ActionFeat>
  41. <YYDEBUG=>Debugging>
  42. <YYEMPTY=>ActionFeat>
  43. <YYERROR=>ActionFeat>
  44. <YYERROR\_VERBOSE=>ErrorRepor>
  45. <YYINITDEPTH=>StackOverf>
  46. <YYLEX\_PARAM=>PureCallin>
  47. <YYLTYPE=>TokenPosit>
  48. <YYMAXDEPTH=>StackOverf>
  49. <YYPARSE\_PARAM=>PureCallin>
  50. <YYPRINT=>Debugging>
  51. <YYRECOVERING=>ErrorRecov>
  52. <action=>Actions>
  53. <action data types=>ActionType>
  54. <action features summary=>ActionFeat>
  55. <actions in mid-rule=>MidRuleAct>
  56. <actions, semantic=>SemanticAc>
  57. <additional C code section=>CCode>
  58. <algorithm of parser=>Algorithm>
  59. <associativity=>WhyPrecede>
  60. <calc=>InfixCalc>
  61. <calculator, infix notation=>InfixCalc>
  62. <calculator, multi-function=>Multifunct>
  63. <calculator, simple=>RPNCalc>
  64. <character token=>Symbols>
  65. <compiling the parser=>RpcalcComq>
  66. <conflicts=>ShiftRedue>
  67. <conflicts, reduce\/reduce=>ReduceRedv>
  68. <conflicts, suppressing warnings of=>ExpectDecl>
  69. <context-dependent precedence=>Contextual>
  70. <context-free grammar=>Languagean>
  71. <controlling function=>RpcalcMaio>
  72. <dangling else=>ShiftRedue>
  73. <data types in actions=>ActionType>
  74. <data types of semantic values=>ValueType>
  75. <debugging=>Debugging>
  76. <declaration summary=>DeclSummar>
  77. <declarations, Bison=>Declaratio>
  78. <declarations, Bison (introduction)=>BisonDecla>
  79. <declarations, C=>CDeclarati>
  80. <declaring operator precedence=>Precedence>
  81. <declaring the start symbol=>StartDecl>
  82. <declaring token type names=>TokenDecl>
  83. <declaring value types=>UnionDecl>
  84. <declaring value types, nonterminals=>TypeDecl>
  85. <default action=>Actions>
  86. <default data type=>ValueType>
  87. <default stack limit=>StackOverf>
  88. <default start symbol=>StartDecl>
  89. <defining language semantics=>Semantics>
  90. <else, dangling=>ShiftRedue>
  91. <error=>ErrorRecov>
  92. <error recovery=>ErrorRecov>
  93. <error recovery, simple=>SimpleErro>
  94. <error reporting function=>ErrorRepor>
  95. <error reporting routine=>RpcalcErrp>
  96. <examples, simple=>Examples>
  97. <exercises=>Exercises>
  98. <file format=>GrammarLay>
  99. <finite-state machine=>ParserStat>
  100. <formal grammar=>GrammarinB>
  101. <format of grammar file=>GrammarLay>
  102. <glossary=>Glossary>
  103. <grammar file=>GrammarLay>
  104. <grammar rule syntax=>Rules>
  105. <grammar rules section=>GrammarRul>
  106. <grammar, Bison=>GrammarinB>
  107. <grammar, context-free=>Languagean>
  108. <grouping, syntactic=>Languagean>
  109. <infix notation calculator=>InfixCalc>
  110. <interface=>Interface>
  111. <introduction=>Introducti>
  112. <invoking Bison=>Invocation>
  113. <invoking Bison under VMS=>VMSInvocat>
  114. <language semantics, defining=>Semantics>
  115. <layout of Bison grammar=>GrammarLay>
  116. <left recursion=>Recursion>
  117. <lexical analyzer=>Lexical>
  118. <lexical analyzer, purpose=>BisonParse>
  119. <lexical analyzer, writing=>RpcalcLexf>
  120. <lexical tie-in=>LexicalTie>
  121. <literal token=>Symbols>
  122. <look-ahead token=>LookAhead>
  123. <main function in simple example=>RpcalcMaio>
  124. <mfcalc=>Multifunct>
  125. <mid-rule actions=>MidRuleAct>
  126. <multi-function calculator=>Multifunct>
  127. <mutual recursion=>Recursion>
  128. <nonterminal symbol=>Symbols>
  129. <operator precedence=>Precedencf>
  130. <operator precedence, declaring=>Precedence>
  131. <options for invoking Bison=>Invocation>
  132. <overflow of parser stack=>StackOverf>
  133. <parse error=>ErrorRepor>
  134. <parser=>BisonParse>
  135. <parser stack=>Algorithm>
  136. <parser stack overflow=>StackOverf>
  137. <parser state=>ParserStat>
  138. <polish notation calculator=>RPNCalc>
  139. <precedence declarations=>Precedence>
  140. <precedence of operators=>Precedencf>
  141. <precedence, context-dependent=>Contextual>
  142. <precedence, unary operator=>Contextual>
  143. <preventing warnings about conflicts=>ExpectDecl>
  144. <pure parser=>PureDecl>
  145. <recovery from errors=>ErrorRecov>
  146. <recursive rule=>Recursion>
  147. <reduce\/reduce conflict=>ReduceRedv>
  148. <reduction=>Algorithm>
  149. <reentrant parser=>PureDecl>
  150. <reverse polish notation=>RPNCalc>
  151. <right recursion=>Recursion>
  152. <rpcalc=>RPNCalc>
  153. <rule syntax=>Rules>
  154. <rules section for grammar=>GrammarRul>
  155. <running Bison (introduction)=>RpcalcGeo>
  156. <semantic actions=>SemanticAc>
  157. <semantic value=>SemanticVa>
  158. <semantic value type=>ValueType>
  159. <shift\/reduce conflicts=>ShiftRedue>
  160. <shifting=>Algorithm>
  161. <simple examples=>Examples>
  162. <single-character literal=>Symbols>
  163. <stack overflow=>StackOverf>
  164. <stack, parser=>Algorithm>
  165. <stages in using Bison=>Stages>
  166. <start symbol=>Languagean>
  167. <start symbol, declaring=>StartDecl>
  168. <state (of parser)=>ParserStat>
  169. <summary, Bison declaration=>DeclSummar>
  170. <summary, action features=>ActionFeat>
  171. <suppressing conflict warnings=>ExpectDecl>
  172. <symbol=>Symbols>
  173. <symbol table example=>MfcalcSymu>
  174. <symbols (abstract)=>Languagean>
  175. <symbols in Bison, table of=>TableofSym>
  176. <syntactic grouping=>Languagean>
  177. <syntax error=>ErrorRepor>
  178. <syntax of grammar rules=>Rules>
  179. <terminal symbol=>Symbols>
  180. <token=>Languagean>
  181. <token type=>Symbols>
  182. <token type names, declaring=>TokenDecl>
  183. <tracing the parser=>Debugging>
  184. <unary operator precedence=>Contextual>
  185. <using Bison=>Stages>
  186. <value type, semantic=>ValueType>
  187. <value types, declaring=>UnionDecl>
  188. <value types, nonterminals, declaring=>TypeDecl>
  189. <value, semantic=>SemanticVa>
  190. <warnings, preventing=>ExpectDecl>
  191. <writing a lexical analyzer=>RpcalcLexf>
  192. <yychar=>LookAhead>
  193. <yyclearin=>ErrorRecov>
  194. <yydebug=>Debugging>
  195. <yyerrok=>ErrorRecov>
  196. <yyerror=>ErrorRepor>
  197. <yylex=>Lexical>
  198. <yylloc=>TokenPosit>
  199. <yylval=>TokenValue>
  200. <yynerrs=>ErrorRepor>
  201. <yyparse=>ParserFunc>
  202. <|=>Rules>
  203. #Wrap on